Friday, March 28, 2008

The Wizard of Odds

Life on the farm was hard and boring
Little sleeping, lots of choring
And there was simply no ignoring
That they were poor so the girl cried
She was sick of digging ditches
Dreamed of quickly gaining riches
Or a loan, but the bank's witches
Turned Auntie down when she applied

Then 'twas a cruel hand fate dealt her
It seemed sure the wind would belt her
She tried to get into the shelter
But alas there was no room
The twister tore across the prairie
From her room it looked so scary
So she prayed to Mother Mary
And waited for her pending doom

Although the wind was very mighty
It didn't even harm her slightly
But bore the house daily and nightly
Then dropped it gently - such a shock
She felt quite nauseous and exhausted
As for her mind, she thought she lost it
When she was practically accosted
And asked, "Are you a fish or a rock"?

It turned out the town unraveled
And became as poor as gravel
And its people couldn't travel
Since their money was all gone
The witch that said she earned it
Since in card skills she was learned
And she would only return it
If a house fell on her lawn

And despite her magic powers
The witch could not save her flowers
She gave cash back and cried for hours
And the girl received immense
Love like emperors from Romans
Unlike real-life Willy Lomans
But she just wanted to go home since
At least life there made some sense

She expressed what she desired
"Why is that?" one man inquired
"Over here you're so admired
Almost on par with the gods."
All attempts to change the kid's stance
Were met with utmost resistance
So she was told to seek assistance
From the great Wizard of Odds

She wasn't one for introspection
So she ran in the direction
Of the man whose gold collection
Might be bigger than Fort Knox
She fled so fast they didn't fund her
Or give her food to fend off hunger
And she couldn't help but wonder
What was up with fish and rocks

The Good Witch knew what she'd be needing
So she sent messengers out speeding
To make sure roadside homes were feeding
The girl and letting her take baths
At night each family played the same
Suspense and lying-filled card game
To the small girl it seemed quite lame
And all in all too full of maths

She found a man with a straw-filled head
A man of tin - which is better than lead
A lion often overwhelmed by dread
Each wanted to see the wizard too
The first two filled her with pity
So they could both go to Sin City
And she'd always wanted a little kitty
For now the lion would have to do

As they progressed the four were pestered
By a witch as ugly as Uncle Fester
That conjured walls and thus sequestered
The group so they could not refuse
The challenge of a poker war -
Revenge for making the witch's sister poor
The witch won pennies - nothing more
The band did not have much to lose

At last they reached the city of sin
Of course the doorman let them in
And spoke of how much they could win
To see the con doesn't take a sage
They were told that if one wants to see
The wizard one must wager heavily
So they worked in a chip factory
In order to earn a betting wage

They made a bit and gave it back
Playing poker and blackjack
And had to return to the fac-
Tory - they hadn't bet enough
They couldn't afford to buy mints
After another hour betting since
They stunk - but they got an audience
With the wizard - that wasn't so tough

The Wizard said he'd only give advice
If the Western Witch who isn't nice
Lost to the girl in a poker war twice
The tin man said "No way in Hell"
Expecting to be asked to leave
He found response hard to believe
It was, "In cards it is hard to achieve
Success without picking battles well.

"Like if you have an ace and ten
Odds are you'd bet, but think again
If there have been several raises when
Your turn comes, odds are you're beat.
But if your stack is very small
And your cards aren't good at all
In the big blind you have to call
Since waiting will ensure defeat."

Then he explained a substantial amount
About poker - far too much to recount
He touched more bases than Robin Yount
It took a quarter of a day
They learned when it is right to steal
A pot and also how to deal
They took a break and ate a meal
If you must know - 'twas fish fillet

And then the scarecrow was addressed
He said, "Consider yourself blessed
Poker players are often stressed
When their brains make them play a game.
Tin Man, many shunned your request
To play due to your empty chest
Here's a lawyer's card - this one's the best
And you'll find her fees are fairly tame.

"And lion, with what you've learned tonight
I believe that as long as you play tight
Your future in poker is very bright
So there's nothing for you to fear.
And little girl, with what you know
I'd be shocked if in a month or so
You haven't earned sufficient dough
To buy a ticket out of here."

Then things basically went as planned
By using her head in every hand
The girl returned to her homeland
And missed school - but just a little bit
When she got back they still were poor
She could have fixed that fact for sure
By joining the World Poker Tour
But the law of the land prevented it

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Confederacy of Deuces

O Fortuna, why must you fill my pocket with lint
In this game we call cards, can you give me a hint?
Ignore me all you want I know you are there
When you hand me a fate that just isn't fair
My hand almost never has a queen or an ace or a king
But I often see a deuce as tunes of mockery you sing
Deuce seven, deuce eight, deuce nine, deuce jack
Those lead to wasted time I shall never get back
Time better spent in a store by the street
Purchasing chips I can actually eat

But I digress as I regress with respect to my finances
I yearn for success but Fortuna denies me all chances
Duece deuce deuce i get more trash than a landfill
If matters do not improve I shall surely feel ill
Sometimes despite the deuce I place a deceptive bet
But every time my ruse is betrayed by my sweat
When dealt a pair of aces I was shocked and said, "Hooray"
Then bet a lot but alas nobody wanted to play
Today my losses in dollars were exactly eight eight
But I am not at fault I blame the deuces dealt by fate

Thursday, March 13, 2008

You're Dracula

Sometimes I try to make my poker poems singable by using pre-existing songs. This one uses "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt.

My hand was iffy
Yours was much worse
Yet you outdrew me
This really hurts
You seemed like you called with nothing
I had sixes and was right
But since you are a river rat
I lost and that bites

You're Dracula
You're Dracula
You're Dracula, it's true
Your frame is slight, yet you ruled the night
When with bat-like speed chips flew
From my stack to that of you

Well you sucked me dry
With your seven high
Two runner inside straight which made me
Almost cry
My set of queens seemed so sweet on the flop
But I helped you buy a house on a hilltop

You're Dracula
You're Dracula
You're Dracula, I say
Couldn't stand my
Reflection if I
Shared your crazy style of play
But it's tough to have to pay

You're Dracula
You're Dracula
You're Dracula. it's true
I must leave the table since I'm broke and a disgrace
But next time I'll be imitating you
And I'll probably lose a shoe
Since I will suck just like you

Saturday, March 8, 2008

False Outs

Why must you always destroy me, false outs?
Causing confidence when I should have doubts
Giving me hope when I should have none
I must learn to spot you so that I can run

Like a nine on the river for a ten high straight
But eight jack beats eight six and I bemoan my fate
Or a late ace for Broadway and I feel such a rush
But the ace was a spade which gave someone a flush

Why must you torment me, O draws of no use
You almost convince me to stop playing loose
You make me go broke and need to buy more chips
And feel like a sailboat racing against cruise ships

When the river brings a set of tens I'll be betting the max
Not knowing that my opponent already had a set of jacks
Or I draw the nut flush thanks to the board's second ace
Which gives my opponent a boat and tears flow down my face

So many times I've loved my odds and yet was drawing dead
I thought that I found a gold mine but it was a pyrite bed
Therefore I must to apply what I've been writing about
And bet using my mind without praying for false outs

Friday, March 7, 2008

Defending My Blinds

Like a brave soldier I'm defending my blinds
Opposing offensives with cards of all kinds
Underarmed and outnumbered is no reason to flee
Likewise I'll stay in with my queen and a three

A coward will wait for days for better supplies
Saying sometimes accepting small losses is wise
A hero will charge with one bullet left, unafraid
I'll risk it all with two twos if I've already paid

They're glad since they know that they won't have to limp
I'm glad since I know that I am not a wimp
I don't care that I won much less than I lost
I'm defending my blinds at whatever the cost

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Is Poker a Sport?

Like young lovers playing hard to get
We hide our emotions and hope not to sweat
Veins have ice water so shirts don't get wet
Heart needs beat at one speed to keep out of debt

And yet sportscenter coverage can be hard to find
Because the body takes a back seat to the mind
They will see a portly person parked on his behind
But not a brilliant double bluff to bankrupt the big blind

Home runs and slam dunks - yes, they impress
But is defeating three kings with a flush any less
Of a feat when he was all in with less than a pair
And had to stay sharp for all day to get there?

Athletes need a strong psyche and a steady hand
How those are used is much easier to understand
On a field or the links or a basketball court
But that doesn't mean that it isn't a sport