Thursday, March 6, 2008

Is Poker a Sport?

Like young lovers playing hard to get
We hide our emotions and hope not to sweat
Veins have ice water so shirts don't get wet
Heart needs beat at one speed to keep out of debt

And yet sportscenter coverage can be hard to find
Because the body takes a back seat to the mind
They will see a portly person parked on his behind
But not a brilliant double bluff to bankrupt the big blind

Home runs and slam dunks - yes, they impress
But is defeating three kings with a flush any less
Of a feat when he was all in with less than a pair
And had to stay sharp for all day to get there?

Athletes need a strong psyche and a steady hand
How those are used is much easier to understand
On a field or the links or a basketball court
But that doesn't mean that it isn't a sport

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